Portable Home Gym -A multifunctional home
fitness equipment all in one
The maximum weight capacity can beadjusted to 130 kilograms, meeting thetraining needs of most individuals.
The emergence of the COVlD-19 pandemic has disrupted the exerciseroutines of many people who used to frequent the gym. As a result, thereis a growing demand in the market for ways to engage in professionalfitness workouts at home
Customers are looking to ElPEKS to design a home-based, easilystorable, and space-efficient professional fitness equipment that canreplicate the exercises performed in a professional gym setting, ensuringeffective full-body workouts.
This presents a significant challenge for the ElPEkS research anddevelopment team. We not only need to conduct in-depth research intouser fitness habits but also need to devise an effective hardware solutionthat can meet the exercise needs of professional fitness enthusiasts asclosely as possible.
Based on high-power motor technology and innovative design, in-depth discussionswith professional fitness trainers have led to the development of a hardware solutionthat encompasses six fitness devices and three training modes, all while addressingthe needs for storage, user-friendliness, and safety.
Furthermore, the hardware team has also implemented an intelligent OTA(Over-The-Air) upgrade mechanism, making it convenient to continuously unlock newathletic skills in the future.
To enable users to train more professionally and efficiently, we havedeveloped a companion app and offer access to 400 training courses.
Users can cast their screens to follow along, which is crucial for theirtraining experience.
If you have any needs, please contact us using the form below.