With the growing popularity of electric bicycles, they now movefaster than traditional bicycles, which also brings an increase in po-tential risks.
EIPEKS aims to collaboratively create a safer and more lightweighthelmet with our clients. Additionally, we aspire for this helmet tobecome a fashionable accessory. We’ve observed that many usersare reluctant to wear helmets due to the discomfort of previousmodels and their lack of style
Hardware designers conducted extensive research on traffic accidentdata and implemented targeted safety measures specifically aimed atprotecting the injured.
In order to streamline helmet options, we have opted forlighter and more durable materials, while also introducingflexible materials to enhance comfort during wear.
We have introduced a removable solution that not onlyprioritizes safety but also adds a trendy touch.
If you have any needs, please contact us using the form below.