Professional Services From EIPEKS

Market Research

EIPEKS provides professional market research services, helping you overcome market challenges and achieve business goals through comprehensive data analysis and extensive and in-depth research.

New Product Research Is a Crucial-Step in Developing New Products

New Product Research Is a Crucial Step in Developing New Products

EIPEKS is committed to assisting clients in discovering new business opportunities and enhancing product competitiveness.
We offer professional new product research services for small and medium-sized brands, aimed at helping you gain an advantage in the market competition.

It can assist you in understanding market demands and potential customers, providing guidance for your product design and promotion. Our new product research service can offer expert support throughout the research process, ensuring your product meets market demands.

New Product Research Is a Crucial-Step in Developing New Products

Market Research Process

Business Opportunity Assessment



Property Review


Business Opportunity Assessment


Business Opportunity Assessment

We will conduct in-depth research on platforms such as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Wish, Lazada, and others, utilizing platform research tools.
This will involve evaluating the sales performance of corresponding individual products, market size, consumer searches, interest and trend changes.

We will comprehensively assess the market capacity, trends, and whether there are any niche areas worth entering in that category in the market.


Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis can help us understand competitors’ strategies and business operations, thereby providing support for new product development decisions.
By analyzing market data, industry reports, and other information, as well as understanding competitors’ sales, market share, and growth trends, we can gain insights into their business operations.

Competitive analysis helps businesses determine their market position, assess competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, identify market opportunities and threats, and formulate more effective product strategies.

Competitive Analysis
User Research


User Research

EIPEKS will seek out target users for corresponding user interviews to understand their usage scenarios, purposes, and habits. This helps us grasp user needs, preferences, and behaviors, thus optimizing products and services and enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.
By analyzing user behavior, we can better comprehend pain points and requirements, leading to improved solutions.

Furthermore, user analysis aids in understanding preferences and trends, facilitating more accurate predictions of future demands and better planning for upcoming products and services.


Intellectual Property Review

Intellectual property review is extremely important and a necessary step. It helps us avoid infringing on others’ patents during new product development, preventing unnecessary complications.

It also enables us to discover unique technologies and inventions of our own, facilitating patent and intellectual property applications, providing brand protection, and establishing barriers.

Profitability Analysis


Profitability Analysis

Profitability is closely tied to elements such as product costs, pricing, and competition.
After determining a pricing that consumers can accept, it’s essential to thoroughly assess production materials and processes to avoid cost escalation due to fluctuations in the raw material supply chain.

Therefore, leveraging EIPEKS’s mature and stable supply chain becomes crucial for maintaining cost control. This is a key factor for sustainable profitability.

Product Development Project Cases

Across every industry, our team excels at developing technically-complex projects.