Unlocking Creativity: Navigating the Product Design Major Journey

Unlocking Creativity: Navigating the Product Design Major Journey



Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts in Product Design is a dynamic major that prepares students to become innovative designers who can turn their creative visions into functional and aesthetically pleasing products. This course of study will equip students with the skills needed to design consumer goods, industrial products, and technology with an emphasis on usability, sustainability, and marketability.

Throughout their education, students will be exposed to a range of topics including design theory, material studies, human-centered design, 3D modeling, and prototyping. Graduates from this program will be well-prepared to enter the competitive field of product design, where they can make tangible contributions to improving everyday life through design.


Core Courses

Introduction to Product Design: Overview of product design principles, history, and contemporary practice.
Design Thinking: Hands-on exploration of the design thinking process, including empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing.
Material and Manufacturing Processes: Study of various materials used in product design and the manufacturing processes that shape them.
3D Design and Modeling: Instruction in computer-aided design (CAD) software and techniques for creating 3D models and renderings.
Human Factors and Ergonomics: Understanding of how products are used by people and how to design for comfort, efficiency, and safety.
Sustainable Design Strategies: Examination of design methods that minimize environmental impact and encourage sustainability.
Design Prototyping and Testing: Methods for creating physical prototypes for user testing and iteration.
Design Communication and Presentation: Techniques for effectively communicating design ideas, including sketching, storyboarding, and digital presentation skills.

Elective Courses

Advanced Materials and Processes: Deep-dive into innovative materials and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques.
Interactive Product Design: Introduction to designing products with digital interfaces, including user experience (UX) principles.
Business of Design: Exploration of the business aspects of design, including marketing, branding, and entrepreneurship.
Design for Social Impact: Study of design’s role in addressing social issues and creating positive change.
Portfolio Development: Guidance on creating a professional design portfolio to showcase skills and work to potential employers.

Capstone Project

Final year students will undertake a comprehensive design project that reflects their skills and design philosophy. Students are mentored by faculty and engage with industry professionals throughout the process.

Career Opportunities

Graduates with a degree in Product Design can pursue a variety of career paths including:

  • Product Designer
  • Industrial Designer
  • User Experience (UX) Designer
  • Design Researcher
  • Design Manager
  • Sustainability Consultant
  • Material Innovation Specialist
  • Freelance Design Consultant

Admissions Requirements

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Portfolio submission of creative work (preferred, not required)
  • Letter of intent or personal statement
  • Letters of recommendation (optional)

Program Length

Typically, a Bachelor of Arts in Product Design is a four-year program, though some schools may offer accelerated options.


Make sure that the program is accredited by a recognized body in the field of design, such as the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).

Whether you’re starting your educational journey or specializing in a specific area of design, a degree in Product Design can open doors to a creative and rewarding career.

Picture of Summer Sun

Summer Sun

content writer

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